Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Prompt not working in Peoplesoft

I tried to create a new page,added Emplid field and made it as the key and search key.
Then for this field Emplid,prompted the job table,but the value was not getting populated.
I searched many areas to figure it out but for my bad i was unable to resolve it.
then i found out that even though i have prompted the job table to Emplid field,it was fetching value from some other table.I checked the Job table ,Emplid field then i realized that Emplid field in job table was prompted to Person table.
The other option to solve this issue is to create a view of Job table,but i wanted to resolve it without creating a view,then i changed the Emplid field prompt from Job table to the Person table and hence i was able to populate the values correctly.

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